Nice to be important but more important to be nice!
I was at a gig recently and we were in between sets. I was getting a beer opened when
a young brunette comes up to me and says,'so you're the one?'i took a long sip and looked at her well cropped hair which was her best feature. "So you're a millionaire?" she continued. I was startled by her words and all i could do was utter a low "yeah"and walk away with a chagrin grin. I pondered her words days later because her words only returned to me days later and they bothered me some what. What bothered me is the importance to peg wealth with money. I'm actually happy because i do what i love doing and that is playing in front of live audiences! And the only reason i play is because i cannot do anything else! Actually i can do lots but everything else makes me miserable! I tried to hung my guitar to dry like clothes on a line but to no avail! I was such an aggressive miserable shit that i couldn't stand myself and other couldn't stand me more!
So, here i am doing what i love best;giving myself to audiences. Elvis did the same.
So to you, who ever you are, i hope you found your niche and are doing what you love doing and every night you go to sleep knowing in your heart that you are what you are supposed to be!!!!
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